My Stuff
Re: Payroll reports permission
While everyone may be able to see the report name, the ability to see the report results will be restricted. Public reports/searches allow all users to see the names of the reports/searches. When the…1 -
Re: Is there a way to search fields and other records?
The configuration of customizations are directly related to the records where they are applied. Please be careful 'deleting' any custom object, as there may be other dependencies on the object. There…1 -
Re: Why duplicate email alerts received for 'Record Created' and 'Record Modified'?
You don't show the email tab of your search. I suspect that you have the 'Send email when records are created/updated' box checked, Anything that could impact the JE (Such as gl impact as seen in you…1 -
Re: Update Sales Rep on Invoice and opportunity Based on Customer Sales rep Change
You can easily do this with a series of saved mass updates: Mass Update #1 = Sales Force Automation - Change Sales Rep Assignment (Criteria = Inactive rep- change to replacement rep) The first one wi…1 -
Re: NetSuite Administrator Exam
If you search on NetSuite Administrator Exam study guide & Sample tests, you will find both of these are available. If you send me a PM, with your email address, I can send you both of the items …3